Generational PTSD or simply secondary trauma can also affect children. Dr. Harry Croft, an Army veteran psychiatrist and specialist in PTSD, shares information from a recent radio podcast about the effects of living with PTSD in the household and children. As always, we share this information and awareness only to begin with. We know many families where the children have grown to be well-adjusted with a clear understanding of PTSD, which is why treatment is encouraged and outcomes improve. As Dr. Croft said in the radio program, children are not little adults. They view what they see and hear from the perspective of their young lives. If their veteran father is uncomfortable in crowds, dad is less likely to go to the soccer game or the holiday pageant. If they do go, they may cancel at the last minute or leave early. An adult may reasonably understand this, but a child's understanding may translate to feeling slighted and believing that mom or dad doesn't care about them the way they used to. If there's a bad PTSD day, something small could trigger anger or a blow-up that the child interprets as "I know mom said she didn't want my toys around, but I put all but one away and she just lost it." Remembering that avoidance and isolation are symptoms of PTSD, physical closeness may not happen as much. Dad used to hug me, and he never does that anymore. The child may feel as though it's their fault, but this is untrue. We can't expect a child to reason as an adult would. Even as adults, we find living with untreated or unmanaged PTSD very challenging. Talk to professionals about finding a counselor who understands combat PTSD to talk with your children. Military children are exceptionally good at fitting in and making...
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Va caregiver program for ptsd Form: What You Should Know
For Veterans' service-connected disabilities — PTSD and TBI — the Veterans Independence Program — VSP — help is provided by the VSP Coordinators located outside the US.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Va caregiver program for ptsd